Thursday, August 28, 2014

Purple Pop

"Be grateful for the good times and keep the faith during the bad times. Stay positive when life gives you every reason to be negative."

blouse: poetry clothing// jeans: almost famous// clutch: charming charlie// heels: jessica simpson// sunglasses: claire's

Monday, August 4, 2014

Purple Flower Lace

"Don't let anyone make you be who you aren't. Stay true to yourself at all times. Even when it's not trendy."

Went out with my fam to a nice shopping center close by and afterwards to eat.  Had a lot of fun! That afternoon my sister was kind enough to snap some shots of my outfit.  Hope you guys like. It's been super hot over here, again wearing shorts and open shoes. Have an amazing day lovelies!!

blouse: ali & kris// shorts: l'amour// wedges: dolce vita